In the dynamic landscape of mobile gaming, Clash of Clans (CoC) has firmly established itself as a titan. Players build their villages, form clans, and engage in epic Clan Wars. However, an often overlooked but integral aspect of CoC gameplay is ‘Farming’. This is the art of gathering and amassing resources — Gold, Elixir, and Dark Elixir — which is essential for upgrading your village defenses, troops, and to maintain steady progress in the game.

The Concept of Farming

The concept of farming in Clash of Clans is straightforward — instead of focusing on increasing your trophies or league ranking, players intentionally attack bases that are rich in resources. Often, these bases are relatively weak, making the farming strategy an efficient method to accumulate wealth. This approach requires strategic targeting, efficient resource usage, and a keen understanding of the CoC economy.

The following are some of the key elements to focus on when adopting a farming strategy:

  • Town Hall Level: Your Town Hall (TH) level determines the percentage of loot that can be stolen from opponent bases. Ideally, you want to attack bases that have the same or a lower TH level to maximize your loot haul;
  • League Level: The league you’re in impacts the number of bases you can find for farming. For example, Gold and Crystal leagues are often considered the best for farming due to the high availability of bases with good loot;
  • Army Composition: It’s crucial to have an army composed of cheap, quick-to-train units. This ensures you can carry out attacks frequently, thus increasing your chances of finding good loot. Some popular farming troops include Barbarians, Archers, Goblins, and Giants;
  • Base Selection: Look for bases that have full or near-full resource collectors. An easy way to identify them is by checking if the Elixir Collectors are full or if the Gold Mines have a box next to them.

Here is a table summarizing the best troops for farming at different TH levels:

TH LevelBest Farming Troops
1-5Barbarians, Archers
6-7Giants, Goblins, Archers
8-9Giants, Wizards, Goblins
10-13Miners, Balloons, Goblins

Strategies for Successful Farming

Raid often

Raiding frequently is an effective strategy for obtaining more resources in various games. By attacking other players or in-game targets regularly, you increase your chances of acquiring valuable loot. To optimize your raiding frequency, it is recommended to employ armies with short training times, allowing you to launch more attacks within a given timeframe. This guide will provide you with detailed information on raiding often and maximizing your resource gains.

Table: Armies with Short Training Times

Army TypeTraining Time
Archers30 minutes
Barbarians20 minutes
Goblins30 seconds
Wall Breakers2 minutes
Minions45 seconds
Giants2 minutes

By utilizing armies with short training times, you can minimize the downtime between attacks and raids more frequently. The following strategies and considerations will further enhance your raiding success:

  • Plan Your Attacks: Before launching a raid, take some time to scout potential targets. Look for bases that have accumulated a significant amount of resources and have weak defenses. This will maximize your chances of obtaining valuable loot with minimal losses;
  • Use Troops Effectively: Each troop type has its strengths and weaknesses. Combining different troop types can lead to a more balanced and efficient raid. For example, deploying Giants as a meat shield while Archers and Barbarians deal damage from behind can be an effective strategy;
  • Focus on Resource Buildings: When raiding, prioritize targeting resource buildings such as mines, collectors, and storages. Destroying these structures will yield the most resources, significantly boosting your haul;
  • Consider Spell Usage: Utilize spells strategically to support your troops during a raid. Healing spells can keep your troops alive longer, while rage spells increase their damage output. However, keep in mind that spells also have training times, so plan accordingly;
  • Time Your Raids: Pay attention to when your opponents are likely to have a surplus of resources. For example, if there is a scheduled maintenance break or when players receive a daily resource reward, it could be an opportune moment to launch your raids;
  • Join a Clan: Being a member of an active clan can provide numerous benefits, including the opportunity for clan war raids or clan-based raiding events. These activities often offer additional resources and rewards, allowing you to accumulate resources more quickly.

Invest in your troops

Clash of Clans displaying the 'Train Troops' tabs

Investing in your troops is crucial for maximizing your raiding success and resource gains in various games. Upgrading your farming troops should be a priority, as higher-level troops have increased strength and effectiveness in raids. By allocating resources and time to improve your troops, you can significantly enhance your loot collection. This guide will provide you with detailed information on investing in your troops and prioritizing their upgrades.

Table: Farming Troop Upgrade Priority

Troop TypeUpgrade PriorityBenefits
ArchersHighIncreased damage, range, and hit points
BarbariansHighImproved damage, hit points, and speed
GoblinsHighEnhanced damage, hit points, and speed
Wall BreakersMediumIncreased damage, hit points, and bomb radius
MinionsMediumImproved damage, hit points, and speed
GiantsLowUpgraded hit points, damage, and training time

By focusing on upgrading your farming troops, you can boost their overall effectiveness in raids, leading to more successful attacks and greater loot gains. Consider the following strategies and considerations to optimize your troop investments:

  • Prioritize Troop Upgrades: Determine which troops are most frequently used in your raiding strategies and prioritize their upgrades. Archers, Barbarians, and Goblins are typically versatile and commonly employed for farming purposes due to their speed, cost-effectiveness, and resource-targeting capabilities;
  • Balance Damage and Durability: Upgrading troops that offer a balance between damage output and hit points is essential. Stronger troops can withstand more defenses and deal more damage, increasing their chances of a successful raid and maximizing resource acquisition;
  • Consider Training Times: While upgrading troops is essential, also take into account the training times associated with higher-level troops. Longer training times can impact your raiding frequency, so balance your upgrades with the need for consistent attacks;
  • Research Laboratory Upgrades: Upgrade your Laboratory to unlock and enhance troop abilities, such as increased damage, speed, or special powers. These upgrades can provide significant advantages during raids and improve your overall farming efficiency;
  • Upgrade Spell Support: Don’t overlook the importance of upgrading spells that complement your farming troops. Spells like Healing, Rage, or Jump can greatly assist your troops during raids, ensuring their survival and maximizing their damage output;
  • Seek Advice from Experienced Players: Consult with experienced players or join online communities dedicated to the game to gather insights and recommendations on troop upgrade strategies. They can provide valuable guidance on troop combinations, upgrade paths, and farming techniques.

Optimize your defense

Optimizing your defense is essential to protect your resources and progress in various games. While it’s important to focus on your attacking strategies, neglecting your defense can leave you vulnerable to frequent raids and resource losses. By implementing effective defensive measures, such as strategic placement of buildings, walls, traps, and defensive structures, you can deter attackers and safeguard your valuable resources. This guide will provide you with detailed information on optimizing your defense for maximum protection.

Table: Defensive Structures Placement

Defensive StructurePlacement Recommendation
Archer TowersNear resource storages and Town Hall to provide cover fire
CannonsSpread out across the base to cover a wide area
MortarsPosition in the center of the base to target a large radius
Wizard TowersSurround resource storages and high-value buildings for additional protection
Air DefensesDistribute evenly to cover the entire base and defend against air attacks
Hidden TeslasPlace throughout the base, including near vulnerable areas
X-BowsPosition strategically to cover multiple key targets
Inferno TowersPlace near the core of the base for maximum defensive impact
Bomb TowersPosition near high-traffic areas or around vulnerable structures
WallsEnclose resource storages and Town Hall to create a secure core

By optimizing the placement of your defensive structures, you can create a formidable defense that deters attackers and minimizes resource losses. Consider the following strategies and considerations to enhance your defensive capabilities:

  • Protect Resource Storages and Town Hall: Place your resource storages and Town Hall in the center of your base. This strategic placement makes it harder for attackers to reach and loot your valuable resources. Surround them with defensive buildings to create multiple layers of protection;
  • Utilize Walls Wisely: Build walls around your resource storages and Town Hall to create a secure core within your base. This will force attackers to break through multiple layers of walls, buying you valuable time and increasing their chances of failure;
  • Diversify Defensive Structures: Distribute your defensive structures evenly throughout the base to cover a wider area. This ensures that attackers face resistance from multiple directions, making it more challenging for them to breach your defenses;
  • Incorporate Traps: Strategically place traps, such as bombs, spring traps, and air mines, throughout your base. Position them near vulnerable structures or areas with high foot traffic to surprise and weaken attackers;
  • Upgrade Defensive Structures: Regularly upgrade your defensive structures to increase their strength, damage output, and hit points. Higher-level defensive buildings are more effective in repelling attacks and mitigating damage;
  • Stay Active: Maintain an active defense by regularly checking and adjusting your base layout. Study attack replays to identify weaknesses and adjust your defense accordingly. Experiment with different base designs to keep attackers guessing;
  • Seek Community Feedback: Engage with the game’s community forums or seek feedback from experienced players. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations on defensive strategies, base layouts, and effective defensive combinations.

Shield management

Clash of Clans displaying the 'Shield' tabs

Shield management is a crucial aspect of gameplay that can greatly influence your success and resource management in various games. When you receive a shield as a result of an enemy attack, it is essential to make the most of this protected period. Utilize the time effectively by upgrading buildings and troops, rearranging your base layout, and preparing for your next attack. This guide will provide you with detailed information on shield management and strategies for optimizing your progress during shielded periods.

Table: Shield Management Strategies

Shield TypeManagement Strategies
Personal ShieldFocus on upgrading buildings and troops
Village GuardRearrange your base and experiment with new layouts
League Bonus ShieldPrepare for your next attack and gather resources

To maximize the benefits of a shield, consider the following strategies and considerations for each shield type:

Personal Shield

  • Upgrade Buildings: During a personal shield, prioritize upgrading your buildings. Focus on improving defensive structures, such as cannons, archer towers, and walls, to enhance your base’s resilience against attacks;
  • Upgrade Troops: Utilize the protected period to upgrade your troops. Stronger troops will increase your raiding success once the shield expires, allowing you to gather more resources;
  • Train Troops: Use the shielded time to train and accumulate a substantial army. This ensures that you are well-prepared for your next attack and can launch a strong offensive.

Village Guard

  • Rearrange Base Layout: Take advantage of the Village Guard period to experiment with new base layouts. Rearrange your buildings, traps, and defensive structures to strengthen your defense and address any vulnerabilities identified during previous attacks;
  • Optimize Resource Placement: Consider repositioning your resource storages to make them harder to reach and protect them from potential raiders. Centralize your most valuable resources, such as gold and elixir storages, to minimize losses during attacks.

League Bonus Shield

  • Prepare for Your Next Attack: While enjoying the benefits of the League Bonus Shield, focus on preparing for your next attack. Gather resources, train troops, and strategize your raiding plans to maximize your loot gains;
  • Complete Upgrades: Use the protected period to complete ongoing upgrades. Prioritize finishing any remaining building or troop upgrades to ensure that you are ready to progress further once the shield expires;
  • Participate in Clan Activities: Engage in clan activities, such as clan wars or clan games, during the League Bonus Shield. These events can provide additional rewards and resources, further boosting your progress.


In Clash of Clans, the strategy of farming is an efficient approach to amass resources, especially for players looking to upgrade their base and troops rapidly. This process involves a careful selection of bases to attack, strategic troop training, and wise resource allocation. By understanding and implementing this strategy, players can ensure steady progress in their CoC journey. Remember, patience and consistency are key to successful farming.


What’s the best time to farm in Clash of Clans?

The optimal time to farm can vary based on your timezone and server, but generally, the best times are during off-peak hours when fewer players are active. This increases the chances of finding bases with full collectors.

Should I always use a farming strategy?

It depends on your game progression and goals. If you’re looking to quickly upgrade your base and troops, farming is a great strategy. However, if you’re more interested in competitive play and pushing for higher leagues, you might want to focus on strategies that emphasize gaining trophies.

How do I protect my resources when I’m not playing?

One of the best ways to protect your resources is to invest them in upgrades or troop training before logging off. This way, fewer resources are available for opponents to steal. Also, ensure your base has a good defensive layout, and take advantage of shields gained from enemy attacks.