Clash of Clans, the popular mobile strategy game developed by Supercell, offers players an immersive experience in a world of clashing clans, epic battles, and resource management. One of the key resources in the game is elixir, a vital element for constructing and upgrading buildings, training troops, and conducting research.

Optimize Elixir Collectors

Upgrade Elixir Collectors:

Ensure that you consistently upgrade your elixir collectors to their maximum levels. Higher-level collectors generate more elixir per hour, maximizing your overall resource production.

Efficient Placement:

Strategically place your elixir collectors within the range of defensive structures to protect them from enemy attacks. Additionally, consider clustering them together to allow for easier protection with fewer defensive structures required.

Raiding Strategies for Elixir

Trophy Dropping:

Temporarily lowering your trophy count can place you in lower leagues, where you can find easier targets with substantial elixir reserves. Focus on attacking bases with full or nearly full elixir storages.

Barch Strategy:

Employ the “Barch” strategy, which involves using a combination of Barbarians and Archers to swiftly raid bases with weak or non-existent defenses. This tactic allows for quick elixir gains with minimal troop training costs.

Lightning Spell Farming:

Utilize the Lightning Spell to target elixir storages directly. This spell can significantly damage or even destroy a storage, allowing you to swiftly loot large amounts of elixir.

Clan Castle Reinforcements:

Join an active clan and request reinforcement troops for your attacks. Strong troops can serve as a decisive factor in raiding bases with substantial elixir reserves.

Effective Clan Management

Clan Wars and Clan Games:

Participate actively in Clan Wars and Clan Games to earn additional rewards, including elixir. Winning Clan Wars and completing Clan Games challenges provide significant elixir bonuses, which can boost your overall resource acquisition.

Clan Donations:

Contribute to your clan by donating troops to fellow clan members. By doing so, you earn experience points and receive a generous amount of elixir as a reward. Encourage your clan members to donate as well to foster a supportive and thriving clan environment.

Boosting Elixir Production

Gemming Elixir Collectors:

Consider using gems to boost your elixir collectors’ production for a limited duration. This can be particularly beneficial during resource-intensive upgrade periods.

Utilizing Resource Potions:

Resource Potions provide temporary boosts to your resource production. Prioritize using them during times when you can actively play the game to maximize their effects.

Table: Elixir Upgrade Prioritization Guide

Spell FactoryHigh
Army CampsHigh
Dark Elixir DrillMedium
Elixir StorageLow
Dark Elixir StorageLow
Elixir CollectorsMaximize
Dark Elixir Storage (TH9 and up)Maximize

Elixir Management and Upgrades

Resource Priority:

Determine your resource priority based on your current goals. If you’re focusing on troop upgrades, allocate a significant portion of your elixir towards the Laboratory. If you’re aiming to upgrade defensive structures, direct your elixir towards the necessary buildings.

Wall Upgrades:

Walls are an important aspect of base defense. Allocate a portion of your elixir towards upgrading walls gradually to improve your base’s overall strength and resilience.

Hero Upgrades: Heroes play a crucial role in battles. Allocate elixir towards upgrading your heroes to enhance their abilities and make them more formidable on the battlefield.

Magic sorcerer prepares an elixir

Clan Challenges and Events

Clan Challenges:

Participate actively in clan challenges and events to earn additional rewards, including elixir. These challenges often involve specific objectives that, when completed as a clan, provide significant elixir bonuses. Coordinate with your clan members to maximize your chances of success.

Seasonal Events:

Keep an eye out for seasonal events introduced in Clash of Clans. These events often offer special rewards and bonuses, including elixir boosts. Take advantage of these limited-time opportunities to accelerate your elixir acquisition.

Magic Items:

Magic items can provide substantial advantages in Clash of Clans. Some items, such as the Book of Fighting or the Book of Spells, can instantly complete upgrades, saving you precious time and allowing you to allocate your elixir towards other essential tasks.

Continuous Progression and Efficiency

Builder Management:

Ensure that all of your builders are actively working on upgrades or constructions at all times. By maintaining maximum efficiency with your builders, you can make steady progress and avoid wasting elixir.

Upgrade Timings:

Plan your upgrades strategically to minimize downtime and optimize resource usage. Consider staggering your upgrades so that you always have enough elixir available for crucial tasks.

Research Timing:

Coordinate your research activities in the Laboratory with your overall gameplay strategy. Prioritize researching troops or spells that align with your preferred attack or defense strategies. By timing your research effectively, you can ensure that you have the necessary elixir to support your gameplay style.


Mastering the art of acquiring elixir quickly in Clash of Clans is essential for your progress and dominance in the game. By optimizing your elixir collectors, implementing raiding strategies, actively participating in clan activities, and making smart resource management choices, you can amass substantial elixir reserves. Keep refining your skills, experimenting with different strategies, and staying engaged with your clan to continually improve your elixir acquisition speed. With these tips at your disposal, you’ll become a formidable force in the Clash of Clans universe.