Clash of Clans, developed by Supercell, is a globally popular strategic game that gives users the opportunity to build and manage their own village, train armies, and conquer the opposition. A critical part of this gaming experience is your username, which is your unique identity in the Clash of Clans world. However, sometimes you might want to modify this identifier. Whether it’s because you’ve grown tired of your old name, or you desire a fresh start, changing your name in the game can be a simple process if you follow the right steps.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Open the Game

Launch Clash of Clans on your device. Make sure your game is updated to the latest version to have access to all the newest features and options. If an update is available, you’ll usually see a notification on your device’s app store.

Step 2: Accessing the Settings

Look for the ‘Settings’ button on the bottom right corner of the home screen, represented by three gears. Click on this icon to open the settings menu.

Step 3: Open the ‘More Settings’ Menu

In the settings menu, locate and click on the ‘More Settings’ option. This button will lead you to another menu where you can find more game-related options.

Step 4: Change Name Option

Scroll down until you come across the ‘Change Name’ button. If you have never changed your name before, this option should be available. If it is grayed out, it means you have already used your one-time name change option.

Name Change AvailabilityButton Status
AvailableNot Grayed Out
Not AvailableGrayed Out

Step 5: Enter the New Name

Once you click on the ‘Change Name’ button, a dialogue box will appear asking you to input your new name. Type in the new name you wish to use and then click ‘Continue’.

Step 6: Confirm the New Name

After clicking ‘Continue’, you’ll be asked to confirm your new name. You must type the name again to ensure no errors were made in the previous step. Be sure to double-check this as the game only allows one name change.

Confirmation StepsProcess
First ConfirmationType in the New Name
Second ConfirmationRetype the New Name for Verification

Step 7: Enjoy Your New Name

After you’ve confirmed your new name, it will be displayed immediately in the game. Your friends, clan members, and adversaries will now recognize you with your new name.

Note on Changing Name in Clash of Clans

In Clash of Clans, you can only change your name once. This rule has been implemented to prevent confusion among players and to maintain the integrity of the game’s environment. Therefore, it is important to choose your new name wisely.


While a seemingly small aspect of the game, your Clash of Clans name is a significant part of your identity in the game. Whether it mirrors your real-world personality or lets you adopt an entirely different persona, it’s the banner under which you build, fight, and grow. Knowing how to change it—and the considerations surrounding that change—can enhance your gaming experience and enjoyment.


Can I change my name more than once in Clash of Clans?

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Supercell only allows players to change their name once in Clash of Clans. If you have already changed your name once, the option to change it again will be grayed out in the settings.

Can I change my name back to the original one?

Once you change your name in Clash of Clans, you cannot change it back to the original name or to any other name. The name change feature is a one-time option.

Can I use special characters or emojis in my Clash of Clans name?

No, you cannot use special characters or emojis in your Clash of Clans name. The name you choose should only contain letters and numbers.

Is there a way to get another name change in Clash of Clans?

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Supercell only permits one name change per account. If you need further assistance with your name, it is advisable to contact Supercell’s customer service for more information.

Is it possible to report someone for an inappropriate name in Clash of Clans?

Yes, you can report someone for using an inappropriate name. To do so, tap their name to view their profile, then tap the ‘Report’ button in the top-right corner.