When it comes to navigating the seemingly endless variety of Hearthstone packs available, making an informed decision can make the difference between an average deck and a winning one. This guide helps you dissect the intricacies of each pack and outlines which ones could be the best investment for your Hearthstone collection.

1. Classic Packs

The backbone of any Hearthstone collection, Classic packs are evergreen. They provide access to some of the game’s most valuable and versatile cards that are essential for many strategies:

  • They have fundamental cards for each class, providing a solid basis for any deck;
  • They include timeless, powerful legendary cards, such as Leeroy Jenkins and Alexstrasza;
  • Buying these packs early can help build a strong foundation for a new Hearthstone player.

2. Latest Expansion Packs

Each new expansion in Hearthstone introduces unique mechanics and powerful cards, creating new gameplay strategies:

  • New expansions usually shape the meta-game, making their cards highly sought after;
  • As a rule of thumb, the latest expansion packs tend to be the most valuable, especially if you already have a good base of Classic cards;
  • For seasoned players, focusing on the latest expansion packs helps keep their deck fresh and competitive.

3. Previous Expansion Packs

If you missed a few previous expansions, it might be worth investing in those packs, especially if they contain cards that fit into your preferred strategy:

  • Previous expansions often feature unique mechanics that might synergize well with your existing decks;
  • It’s also a way to catch up with meta changes and diversify your collection.

The table below summarizes the best approach to buying packs according to player experience:

Player LevelRecommended Packs
BeginnerClassic Packs
IntermediateLatest Expansion Packs
AdvancedPrevious Expansion Packs


Strategically choosing the right Hearthstone packs to buy requires understanding your current skill level, the contents of your collection, and your goals for the game. By making thoughtful decisions, you can ensure that each pack you open pushes you closer to a top-tier deck.


Should I buy a variety of packs or focus on one type?

This depends on your current collection and goals. Beginners should focus on Classic packs while more experienced players may choose to concentrate on the latest or previous expansion packs that complement their existing collection.

I can’t buy many packs, what should I prioritize?

If you’re on a budget, prioritize the Classic packs initially, then save for the latest expansion. Also, consider spending in-game gold on Arena runs, where you have the potential to win packs and other rewards.

Are there any discounts or deals on packs?

Blizzard often offers bundles during expansion pre-order periods, providing extra value for your money. Keeping an eye on these deals can save you a significant amount in the long run.